Sunday, May 13, 2007

Want it so bad... play by play on a session with ACTION!

I can taste it, clowns to my left maniacs to my right the waters are teeming with action. Two guys out of 5 at each of my two tables are absolute maniacs (no faciacs need apply!)

Here is the first one:

This guy pushes all in every hand:

Finally one goes my way (this action is sick!):

"Pay the felter"
but of course I hadnt reloaded yet... grrrr

Bad Felter - SUCK OUT! (not sure how to play a guy with 14$ in my defense

Chewing up poker points in record time in this frenzy... tough to give the play by play but 100 poker points in.... 24 minutes WOW. Oh one of the tables is a turbo table lol .. are they always this crazy?

Phew the guy that thinks I am uber timmid, (and frankly I am by his standards I am) has left the table. Everyone stand for the departing LAG, hats off to you sir... May my notes pay off next time. For now go in peace...

Okay tally is down 20$ after those nasty beats and hitting hands when I was short stacked... out of breath....

Bullets bring me back to even...

And bullets giveth again about four hands later...

then I waste 15$ against a short stack when I have JJ and the flop comes Q high, I bet out he thinks loooong then pushes ten more dollars at me ... easy fold right? No I pay off Q 10 ... smooth move Ex-Lax :)

Grinding and continuation betting gets the 15$ back and I close a CRAZY one hour session 25$ up lol

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