Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Another Day...

So here I am with my continuation from last nights session. In hind sight I think I was taking my tight game plan too far. I did not find a lag that I could surprise and likely therefore finished down. Today I am going to try to open it up a bit.

1$ short handed, short stack buy in of 20$

Early on a bunch of AK and AQ misses runs me through my first buy in short order. Shortly after this hand comes up:


If I had to guess the first 20$ spent on AK and AQ continuation bets paid me back when I had a big pair and he had to call me with any touch.

Just playing one table right now, my LAG left pretty quick after I sat down but the table seems timid. Good opportunity to try a much more dangerous, aggressive short stacked game. Note that too many friends that watch me play short handed are looking for aggression that you can not get away with. Things like "You have AJ he raised you up you only have $20 left push" This is not going to get me very far playing short stacked. If I wanted to play the LAG I would take a full buy in (at lower limit due to my bankroll).

Enjoying it so far, nice to feel the aggression back in the game (as opposed to last night). But this taking concentration. You have to pick the right player at the table to fold to a short stack. I have my target, I have my game plan... let's roll.

Half hour in the session is at 5$ positive. Enjoyed some check raises and letting myself get caught with weaker holdings. Just starting to get guys to push back at me a bit. In my opinion I am up huge already if I have been able to develop a loose image and make 5$ doing it. Time to tighten down a bit and take advantage of the tables irritation... lol just had an image of the grain of sand in an oyster irritating and growing into the big pay day. I can taste it...

... and my trips on flop (that I slow played so I deserved it) bust by gutter on the river. Kept it reasonably cheap now $17 down

About an hour of up and down thank goodness for bonuses or it would seem I am wasting my time here.... still 17 down. Was up for a short while as one table ran perfect for me against my LAG of choice:

I call that one pocket fives dot com. I had him on a King but since he couldn't call my last re-raise apparently he had nothing... again

Then I immediately lost $25 at a fifty cent table (full buy in) pocket 10's to his pocket KK's on an under board. Right away after I have K 6 flop set of Kings loose a remarkably small pot to the other guy who flopped a set of Kings...

Fighting the urge to start to feel like I am running bad over the last few hours logged...

Well... this isn't running bad I guess...


But this crap every third hand is.. And this is three handed too. sick small pots like this are turning my stomach:


So with hands like that happening at my 50 cent table about every millisecond or so I am down to 8$ from my buy of $50 at the 50 cent.. and at my 1$ table ($20 buy in) is now at $110...

And this finishes off my stack at the 50 cent I hit two pair and ....

http://www.pokerhand.org/?1124098 I thought I was going down to levels I can afford lol

Okay where am I here, time to get my bearings: Looks like I am up almost even including yesterdays session. If I can get even between both of these rough sessions, I will call that a win and head to bed for sure.

Well I am closing down for the night (two days in a row now) a total between the two sessions of about $40 or two buy ins of $20. I re-installed poker tracker during this session and pulled up this months results. It is a blow to my ego but I have to admit that as you might expect I am way up at 25 and 50 cent but way down at $1 over all. Maybe I need to give up on my $1 dreams for a while... man that sucks

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