Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Quotes that clicked for me

I am going to try to blog about poker learnings that finally clicked for me.

One was Clonie's article in Bluff this month. She said that even pro players only plan to win approx. 60% of the time.

For me this was a light turning on moment. I have heard many times similar advice relating to this. For example "don't manufacture a win" from Mike Caro makes sense, but didn't click.

I think I am ready to have regular loosing sessions now and I think this will make me a better player. This may seem counter intuitive but sitting down expecting to win, rather than expecting to make good decisions I think is a critical difference.

I am not expecting the fact that this clicked for me to have the same light bulb moment for all of you. For this comment from Clonie to click with me, it took layers and layers of other learning to cap it off. What I am excited about is that lately I have had a lot of these moments. I think this comes from much more hand review and analysis and not playing.

Again this may seem counter intuitive, how can not playing make me a better player? Well I guess the wise old general stands back and watches the war, sometimes being in the thick of it can cause you to repeat past behaviors.

good luck at the tables and come out ahead 60% of the time and take it to the bank eh!