Going deeper.
Tonight I bubbled for a 30$ ticket qualifier tourny and then finished 2nd out of 122 in a 5$ buy in for a 125$ win. The game plan continues to appear to be working.....
Friday, January 26, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Bankroll Management
20x or bust. Sometimes in life and in poker you need to learn the same lessons over and over and over again. I wont get into the life part, but in poker probably the most important lesson I need to keep relearning is to play within my limits. That does not mean to re buy (something I have never done as was my promise with my lovely wife). It means that you NEED 20x the max buy in to SIT at a no limit poker table.
To clarify this I had a neat chat with another online player the other day. I was discussing a bad beat that I took where I got tired of playing at 50 cent tables and broke my rule and sat down with $100 at a $1 table. I don't have $2000 in my bankroll so this broke the rule no excuses.
The Beat: within three hands of sitting down I flop middle set. Two diamonds on the board. My opponent I know is on a flush draw I raise he re-raises to $22 I push total $98.00 He immediately calls with his flush draw and hits on the river.
The chat: I was discussing another way to play it so I don't end up with all of my money in the pot when you are 2 to 1 at best. If I called his big bet and then pushed on the turn when the diamond missed then he would have to call where he was worse than four to one. I like that play but the player I was chatting with said no he wanted all his money in and his on the flop every time. You will win far more than lose long term with the play that I made..... however, he added, you need to be prepared to loose your two to one in your favour five times in a row.
and that is the rub. So when Mike Caro says to not treat your bankroll like a tournament buy in, I read it, I felt I got it, and then continually got my money in good and lost at a $2 or $4 table when I couldn't afford to loose my 2 to 1 odds in my favour, five times in a row.
So strangely.... the most important lesson I have learned in poker (hopefully for the last time) has nothing to do with pot odds or reading your opponent. It's sit where you can afford to.
See you at the 25 and 50 cent tables until I am ready to loose that hand for all my chips five times in a row... cause when those odds swing around my way... this time I am going to be there to win 10 times in a row... I wont be broke.
Next time you hear a player whining about a bad beat... they are playing beyond their means. Whether you want to accept it or not when you play where you can afford to... it does not hurt. It just doesn't, you say nice hand, you re buy and you wait for that fish to do it again.
To clarify this I had a neat chat with another online player the other day. I was discussing a bad beat that I took where I got tired of playing at 50 cent tables and broke my rule and sat down with $100 at a $1 table. I don't have $2000 in my bankroll so this broke the rule no excuses.
The Beat: within three hands of sitting down I flop middle set. Two diamonds on the board. My opponent I know is on a flush draw I raise he re-raises to $22 I push total $98.00 He immediately calls with his flush draw and hits on the river.
The chat: I was discussing another way to play it so I don't end up with all of my money in the pot when you are 2 to 1 at best. If I called his big bet and then pushed on the turn when the diamond missed then he would have to call where he was worse than four to one. I like that play but the player I was chatting with said no he wanted all his money in and his on the flop every time. You will win far more than lose long term with the play that I made..... however, he added, you need to be prepared to loose your two to one in your favour five times in a row.
and that is the rub. So when Mike Caro says to not treat your bankroll like a tournament buy in, I read it, I felt I got it, and then continually got my money in good and lost at a $2 or $4 table when I couldn't afford to loose my 2 to 1 odds in my favour, five times in a row.
So strangely.... the most important lesson I have learned in poker (hopefully for the last time) has nothing to do with pot odds or reading your opponent. It's sit where you can afford to.
See you at the 25 and 50 cent tables until I am ready to loose that hand for all my chips five times in a row... cause when those odds swing around my way... this time I am going to be there to win 10 times in a row... I wont be broke.
Next time you hear a player whining about a bad beat... they are playing beyond their means. Whether you want to accept it or not when you play where you can afford to... it does not hurt. It just doesn't, you say nice hand, you re buy and you wait for that fish to do it again.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Big Tourny
I am working on backing down on my aggression right now. It could be that some sessions are negative to flat due to over aggression. It is tough for the leopard to change his spots though.
Here is a story for the books though: 5$ buy in tourny 700 people. half the field is left heading for the first break so not a heart breaker really but I will take comments. There is a time for aggression and this was it I am sure. I have JQ diamonds. Blinds are 50 100. I call to see a flop. Flop is 8 9 10 two clubs. Five players - first bets 200 into 500, 2nd position calls. 900 nice little pot obviously on a draw between the two of them so all in 2200 from me.
fourth player calls
fifth player calls
original raiser calls
original caller calls
There is only one guy I don't have out stacked. Turn blank, river third club. Who had the flush?
All of them.... no word of a lie they all hit and all go all in and one guy with the A takes first place in the tourny by a mile.... Oh did you count their outs? 2 The entire table was all in against me with a two outer and they all hit it. So on the flop when I push I am 92 to 8 against all of them .... COMBINED. On the turn I have then all..... 24 to 1 COMBINED
My only learning here: shut off the computer my friend your session is positive right now and you are on tilt.
Here is a story for the books though: 5$ buy in tourny 700 people. half the field is left heading for the first break so not a heart breaker really but I will take comments. There is a time for aggression and this was it I am sure. I have JQ diamonds. Blinds are 50 100. I call to see a flop. Flop is 8 9 10 two clubs. Five players - first bets 200 into 500, 2nd position calls. 900 nice little pot obviously on a draw between the two of them so all in 2200 from me.
fourth player calls
fifth player calls
original raiser calls
original caller calls
There is only one guy I don't have out stacked. Turn blank, river third club. Who had the flush?
All of them.... no word of a lie they all hit and all go all in and one guy with the A takes first place in the tourny by a mile.... Oh did you count their outs? 2 The entire table was all in against me with a two outer and they all hit it. So on the flop when I push I am 92 to 8 against all of them .... COMBINED. On the turn I have then all..... 24 to 1 COMBINED
My only learning here: shut off the computer my friend your session is positive right now and you are on tilt.
Friday, January 5, 2007
I didnt do a screen shot but .. so I am playing cash... I am bb. 25 cent game
I have AQ
folded to button he makes it 4x to go
small b calls, I call
flop A 2 3
I bet 1$
Dealer makes it 3$ to go
I think a while I have seen this guy play a lot of weak aces. Could be a 2 or 3 but I dont think so.
I push - he thinks a bit and calls with A5
nice read felter!!!
TURN - you guessed it 4
This really needs to slow down a bit - I am getting dizzy....
I have AQ
folded to button he makes it 4x to go
small b calls, I call
flop A 2 3
I bet 1$
Dealer makes it 3$ to go
I think a while I have seen this guy play a lot of weak aces. Could be a 2 or 3 but I dont think so.
I push - he thinks a bit and calls with A5
nice read felter!!!
TURN - you guessed it 4
This really needs to slow down a bit - I am getting dizzy....
Just because Slurpee Dude thinks I make it up...

This is too funny... and it I know I know I cant focus to it - but it keeps happening lol
In case you cant see we are down to three I have AQ flop comes A 10 8 I push he calls with A3 ... river 3 - beautiful. This example is not interesting or uncommon in poker unless it happens all day every day all the time lol.
(I actually came back and won this sit and go btw which makes for a good story)
So I have a bad night blah blah take two bad beats and call Slurpee Dude in the morning kind of night. Then when I bubble in my 1$ sit and go and am officially out of the 15$ pitty transfer that Dude gave me today. I go on this observer rant, something like "free at last, free at last, thank god almighty I am free at last #%$# you poker, #$%#$ you absolute poker #$%# you full tilt #$%#$ titan poker #$% Hollywood poker#$%# you Noble poker...." etc etc anyway I have the last three guys laughing so hard that one of them transfers me five bucks so that I cant retire. So thanks to EDDIE WAS HERE for his generosity lol. So I throw it all in a 5$ sit and go and get ready to post my retired sign... actually I did post it (see previous post). Wouldnt you know the battle for the bubble goes 45 min (true) and all four finalists play really well. Once bubble breaks I am chip leader - then get cripled to nothing on that above screen shot hand. Then I survive to heads up - make a great call with the best hand - double up, double up again and voila come out on top after a bit of a battle.
Anyway so I tranfer back the 5$ find him at a 2$ 7 stud game (what he was doing at my level I will never know) and give him thanks. And here I thought Christmas was over this year.
I am at a 25 cent cash game right now but shhhh dont tell Slurpee Dude - I was down a bit but just doubled up on good old Jenn Tilly
Take care all God Bless and good night zzzzzzzzzzzz
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Going Deep
I am playing larger tournaments that I tended to stay away from before. I have been using up poker points to try to qualify for the bigger 100 - 250K tournys. Here are my efforts:
Full Tilt
Phase 1 250K: Top 30 get Phase II - earned ticked out of 300
Phase II: Top 12 Got ticket to phase II out of 380 - got ticket
Phase III: Top 3 get ticket to 250K (1000$ buy in) - finished 7th out of 324
Absolute Poker
Phase I 100K: Top 30 get Phase II - earned ticket out of 1000
Phase II 100K: Top 32 Get ticket to 100K (approx 100$ buy in) - finished 35
Phase I 100K: in first when finished - earned Phase two out of 450
Phase II 100K: Top 26 get ticket to 100K - finished 27th out of 274 - yes the bubble!
Hollywood Poker:
5000$ guarantee rebuy: out of 1500 entrants, top 160 money - with no rebuy or add on I finished 227th - taken out be set over set - more understandable than some I hit my set he had an overpair and hit his set on the river.
There have been others but I dont remember all the results.
Net net I would say I think that is where my efforts should go. Large tournys are a good marriage between the larger pay outs of cash yet with a smaller exposure.
I am happy with the deep runs but very frustrated when a bad beat took me out of all the big ones. Both the 250K and the 100K lost to set over set.
Again today was in 4th crusing to a ticket the Phase II - then board 675 I have 66, I nicely doub le up the guy with 77. Then I am all in AA and the guy with 88 hits a set - first card. Then AK suited and a miss....
In 48 hours I have lost four tournys to set over set. For example in the 250K (7th place finish) pocket 99 - lots of chips so I call one guys all in (two callers). flop 9 8 2 - Push all in, the other guy also calls with 2/3 of my stack - he has JJ .... J on river.
The last hand that put me on life support and I am sure I made a mistake here - guy before me bets 12K he has 30 total - I push - about 127K to isolate him with AK suited. someoene comes with us with 10 10 and I dont hit. After that it's down to a good card and luck for my all in push and a seventh place finish.
I think if I can money somewhere over the rainbow I might take some serious runs at larger small buy in tourny's. I think I am close to hitting here...
Full Tilt
Phase 1 250K: Top 30 get Phase II - earned ticked out of 300
Phase II: Top 12 Got ticket to phase II out of 380 - got ticket
Phase III: Top 3 get ticket to 250K (1000$ buy in) - finished 7th out of 324
Absolute Poker
Phase I 100K: Top 30 get Phase II - earned ticket out of 1000
Phase II 100K: Top 32 Get ticket to 100K (approx 100$ buy in) - finished 35
Phase I 100K: in first when finished - earned Phase two out of 450
Phase II 100K: Top 26 get ticket to 100K - finished 27th out of 274 - yes the bubble!
Hollywood Poker:
5000$ guarantee rebuy: out of 1500 entrants, top 160 money - with no rebuy or add on I finished 227th - taken out be set over set - more understandable than some I hit my set he had an overpair and hit his set on the river.
There have been others but I dont remember all the results.
Net net I would say I think that is where my efforts should go. Large tournys are a good marriage between the larger pay outs of cash yet with a smaller exposure.
I am happy with the deep runs but very frustrated when a bad beat took me out of all the big ones. Both the 250K and the 100K lost to set over set.
Again today was in 4th crusing to a ticket the Phase II - then board 675 I have 66, I nicely doub le up the guy with 77. Then I am all in AA and the guy with 88 hits a set - first card. Then AK suited and a miss....
In 48 hours I have lost four tournys to set over set. For example in the 250K (7th place finish) pocket 99 - lots of chips so I call one guys all in (two callers). flop 9 8 2 - Push all in, the other guy also calls with 2/3 of my stack - he has JJ .... J on river.
The last hand that put me on life support and I am sure I made a mistake here - guy before me bets 12K he has 30 total - I push - about 127K to isolate him with AK suited. someoene comes with us with 10 10 and I dont hit. After that it's down to a good card and luck for my all in push and a seventh place finish.
I think if I can money somewhere over the rainbow I might take some serious runs at larger small buy in tourny's. I think I am close to hitting here...
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